Netiquette is a set of conventions governing the behaviour of Internet users when posting content on digital platforms owned or controlled by the Saskatchewan Historical Society.
Comments on the Saskatchewan Historical Society (SHS) digital platforms are encouraged and welcomed. However, posts and exchanges must be harmonious. The SHS relies on the good judgment of Internet users to show courtesy and respect in their interventions. The SHS reserves the right to delete without notice comments that do not comply with these rules of good conduct:
- Before posting a comment, make sure it is related to the original topic; off-topic comments may be removed.
- The use of capital letters is tantamount to shouting and can be interpreted as aggressiveness; only use capital letters for acronyms.
- Abusive or aggressive comments have no place. Personal attacks are not tolerated and will be removed.
- Advertising and pressure selling are not accepted
- A hyperlink may be inserted in a comment as long as it is relevant and does not serve as an alibi for disguised advertising. Note that the SHS is not responsible for the content of sites recommended by subscribers.
- Comments that are hateful, defamatory, threatening, racist, homophobic, sexist, or otherwise against the law will not be accepted.
- Check the source of the information you publish to avoid misinformation and rumours. Cite your references.
- Accusations without proof, publication of illegal content, distortion of facts, lies, disinformation, but also attempts to be polemical or partisan to excess, propaganda (direct or indirect) are not accepted.
- The respect of privacy is important. We ask that you exclude from your comments any personal information (e.g. phone number, email address, etc.).
- All comments are read and considered. There is no need to go on and on about the same comment.
- The SHS reserves the right to remove any comment written in a language other than English or French.
Those who fail to comply with these rules of conduct may have their comments removed without notice.
The SHS reserves the right not to respond to a comment whose author does not clearly identify himself or herself (anonymous account or account suspected of using a false identity).
In addition, the moderators are quick to spot trolls (individuals who persist in starting discussions on subjects that cause offence or deliberately sow discord between several people) and "spammers". The moderators will systematically block any account of this type.
The SHS reserves the right to change this netiquette without notice.
For any question or information: